
Black Friday? OMG! SALES!

After 11/11 it must have been Black Friday right? For those who don't know what I'm talking about, I am talking about SALES! Almost everywhere! 11/11 was a crazy one where I had to put a reminder to myself so I remember to shop on that day. *No! I do not go crazy for sales! Maybe just a little okay, don't judge!

Nothing Is Impossible!

I have always considered myself as a weak student when it comes to studies. As competitive as I can be with other students, I always end up getting average results. Looking at my O-levels results, I concluded myself as a weak student because the results didn't satisfy my parents and yes my siblings scored way better than me.

Reves Jewelry Review~

Reves Essential Oil and Earring

Went all aweeee at Awegallery! Reves Jewelry is definitely one of a kind because it's really cool to have your favourite essential oil diffused in your beautiful jewelry. I'm not kidding. Literally the entire the time you're wearing your Reves diffused jewelry, you will be having your lovely essential oil scent around you. The jewelry is of course one of the most elegant collection I have ever seen and I went crazy for the feather necklace (No idea what they call it!). Personally saying, it is a must have collection for sure!

Me, His or Our Opinion?

Personal experience:
I told this guy whom I dated for some time, that I want to venture few things and he said no on the spot. Well, clearly that is "his" opinion. There was no "our" opinion as he didn't discuss it with me though I tried to explain him on how important that matter is for me. I think you can guess what would have happened now. Yes, I dumped him.

Why must I sacrifice my happiness and the important things in my life for someone who doesn't even bother seeing things in "our" point of view? Well, let me explain what "our" point of view means. When it comes to "our" point of view, the pros and cons need to be discussed. If you say no to something then you need to tell me why. If you say yes then you need to tell me why as well. Of course, I have to explain myself as well on why I want to do it and for god damn sake you gotta listen to it!

Then the decision whether or not I should pursue something I wanted, can take place and that final decision will be "our" decision. Being in a relationship is not easy guys. Don't take it for granted.

Why I dumped him is easy to be explained. I want a happy relationship. "My" opinions make me happy. "His" opinion doesn't make me happy. "Our" opinion will make me happy.

So if a guy is not ready for "our" opinion stage and would rather stick with "his" opinion then I would rather wait for "our" opinion type of guy and be happy with "my" opinion by being single for the mean time. I don't need "his" opinion to ruin my happiness. Headache? Yeah I got that too after reading my own statement! LOL!

Ithu En Tamizhadaa!

I got goosebumps after watching this video. Never once it has hit my mind that the idea of not talking Tamil will actually lead to the extinction of Tamil. More awareness should be created regarding this issue as majority people are prioritizing the importance of English and neglecting Tamil.


I have never regretted this much in my life for watching something! I know that it's just an opening scene and knowing how impatient I can get sometimes, I really shouldn't have watched it!